Taking care of silk garments is easier said than done; when the garment in question happens to be your silk blouse top, you may want to check out the following tips to take better care of the garment. Chances are that the silk blouse top has already gotten a few oil stains and you want to remove the same without damaging the garment. The good news is that you can and have the garment as good as new, provided you follow the tips posted below.
• Remove oil stains: So your silk blouse top has a few gritty stains that you want to remove but the process is not as invasive as you had feared. You do not have to worry about damaging the sheer garment; all that you have to do is to lay out the silk blouse flat with the stain facing upfront. Now, take a little cornstarch powder, or baking soda, you can also use powdered salt and any powder that absorbs moisture. Just sprinkle heavily on top of the oil stain and leave it ‘in situ’ for a few hours. After several hours, you can just brush off the powder and it should be as good as new.
• Dry clean your silk: Do not machine wash, always dry clean your silk blouse top as it helps it to maintain the luster of silk along with its rich softness. A machine wash can result in permanent wrinkles, and can even cause the garment to shrink and at times, tear and that’s why you must always dry clean your silk to maintain it in prime condition.
• Hand wash: You can also hand wash your silk blouse top; this allows you to handle the blouse and other garments gently and you can ensure that the garments are thoroughly cleaned without any of the rough tumble. Just make sure that you do not use a heavy handed brush on the silk garments as this can cause it to tear at the seams.
•Rinse in cold water: As opposed to everything else that you may have heard about washing clothes, when it comes to your silk blouse top, always rinse it in cold water. The cold water manages to extend the life of the fabric; silk is delicate in every sense of the word and using warm or hot water can weaken the fabric and even damage it. On the contrary, cold water enables the silk fabric to retain the richness of its original color intact and the fabric remains strong.
These are some of the tips that you would have to consider when washing your silk garments; and remember, all silk garments need to be washed separately and try to avoid using a washing machine for the same as it can damage the garments in question. And make sure that you use an appropriate detergent for the silk clothes, when washing them since some are known to be too abrasive.
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