Waking up in the morning with a thought of that party invitation that your friend sent you yesterday night, is exciting. Viola! This night is going to awesome with the bundles of joy with old college friends. But, soon your joy turns into the worry of what to wear for the occasion. You always end up with juggling in your closet. You are busy finding just one single dress which can carry your swag. Wearing a black silk shirt is, of course, a fabulous option to complement your beauty and your presence at the party. There was a time when the girls are all about pink or any other. Many are still thinking the same, especially the men. There is indeed a speculation about girl’s favorite color that it must be pink, red, golden or something. But only girls understand this, it’s not like that dude. Many girls love black more than any other. Black is a safe option to wear Whether it’s a party or regular office, black is a color which evaporates all the confusions....