White Silk Shirts ? This is a topic and a subject that no one can deny from not knowing. Isn’t it? White Silk Shirt yes you heard me right? It is basically a garment worn and used by more extensively men and the list includes women nowadays too, even they wear the white silk shirts as much as men do. In British English it is defined more as a garment with collars and cuffed sleeves whereas in American English it is a garment worn by men to cover the upper body and it’s an all time catch for a wide variety of the garments. Also when we are debating on a topic related to men and women dressings, especially the silk blouses tailored for women which can be more effectively described as they are light, airy as well these are found in extensive huge collections which we term as wide variety, as we all know women are too choosy when it comes to shopping and that too when it is all about shopping colored white made up of silk shirts and can be worn in different styles or can say man...